Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 686 我们一起坐着,我和山,直到只剩下山Li Bai: “We sit together, the mountain and I, until only the mountain remains.”
Category: motivation
Door 684
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 684 “Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.” – Grant Cardone
Door 683
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 683 “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” – From “Fight Club” (1999).
Door 682
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 682 “Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery.” – From “We Bought a Zoo” (2011).
Door 681
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 681 “Remember why you started.” – Unknown
Door 680
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 680 “Work hard in silence; let your success be the noise.” – Frank Ocean
Door 677
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 677 在追求梦想时,第一步往往是最勇敢的“In the pursuit of dreams, the first step is often the bravest.” – From “Tiny Times” by Guo Jingming.
Door 676
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 676 “If you’re not scared, you’re not taking a chance, and if you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing?” – From “Sing Street” (2016).
Door 675
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 675 “I’m not ambitious for a splendid fortune, or fashionable position, or worldly power, but I am ambitious to be all that I can make of myself.” Louisa May Alcott
Door 674
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 674 Não desista. Geralmente é a última chave do molho que abre a porta.“Don’t give up. It’s usually the last key on the ring that opens the door.” – Paulo Coelho
Door 673
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 673 いつでも死ねる。生きるのが本当の勇気だ“You can die anytime, but living takes true courage.” – Kenshin Himura, “Rurouni Kenshin”
Door 671
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 671 どんなに辛くても無理だと思っても、目標から目を背けるな“No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal.” – Monkey D. Luffy, “One Piece”
Door 670
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 670 Sou feita da mesma matéria das luas.“I am made of the same stuff as the moon.” – Clarice Lispector
Door 667
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 667 Cristiano Ronaldo: “Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.”
Door 666
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 666 “I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving.” – Morgan Freeman
Door 664
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 664 “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” – Scott Hamilton
Door 663
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 663 “Challenge yourself; it’s the only path that leads to growth.” – Morgan Freeman
Door 662
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 662 “Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Door 660
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 660 Είμαστε αυτό που κάνουμε επανειλημμένα. Η αριστεία, λοιπόν, δεν είναι πράξη, αλλά συνήθεια.Aristotle (Greece, 384–322 BC): “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
Door 658
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 658 “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller
Door 657
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 657 Viajar nunca é questão de dinheiro, mas de coragem.“Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” – Paulo Coelho