Let’s hear your original words of inspiration on the theme of Positivity, Strength, and Kindness. If you’ve got something new and inspiring to share, drop your quote below! A few quick notes,
- We aren’t interested in words that came from someone else. We are interested in something new – from YOU.
- If we publish the quote we will use your real name or a pen (user) name you provide as the author.
- This helps people – whether it inspires 5 people or a million – it was worth it!
- If we publish your message you win that NFT door @ Paradise123.com There is only one minted and it’s a cool token to symbolize your words being published and shared.
- You receive 70% revenue share on any physical prints sold. (Example if we receive $5 on a print. Your share is $3.50.)
- First, put your inspirational message into quotes in Google to confirm that it is original. If Google returns no results, then it is very likely that the content is original.
- We aren’t looking for AI generated words. We are looking for words that spring from the depth of your life experience.