Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 32 “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass
Author: reviewparadise
Door 31
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 31 Embrace the incredible journey that is your life, with all its twists and turns, highs and lows. Remember that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth, every setback a lesson in resilience. You possess an inner strength, a unique blend of talents and passions, that can make…
Door 30
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 30 “One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Door 29
Play to Win Status: We have a winner! The winner is Kutten Sabu / NFT Collectible: Door 29 * Must be 18 to play and win. No purchase necessary. One entry per person. Significance of 11.11
Door 28
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 28 d a n c e “Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen.” – Arianna Huffington
Door 27
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 27 “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Japanese Proverb: This proverb emphasizes resilience, persistence, and the idea that no matter how many times you face adversity or failure, it’s crucial to always get back up and continue forward. It encourages never giving up and always having the willpower to move…
Door 26
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 26 “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morley
Door 25
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 25 The Laughing Epidemic of Tanzania: In 1962, in a small Tanzanian village, three girls started laughing. Not just a chuckle, but a fit that lasted for hours. This mysterious laughter spread like wildfire throughout the village, affecting nearly 1,000 people and lasting up to 16 days for some. Schools…
Door 24
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 24 Be as resilient as an Emu: In 1932, Australia faced an unexpected “enemy”: emus. These large, flightless birds ran amok in Western Australia, trampling crops and annoying farmers. The solution? The government sent in the military armed with machine guns and 10,000 rounds of ammunition to tackle the emu…
Door 23
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 23 Mindful Breathing:Taking a few minutes each day to practice deep, mindful breathing can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. By focusing on your breath and inhaling deeply through your nose, holding for a moment, and then exhaling slowly through your mouth, you can anchor yourself to the present moment, calm…
Door 22
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 22 “Life is a balance of holding on and letteng go.” – Rumi
Door 21
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 21 “Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.” – Mary Lou Retton
Door 20
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 20 Life Impact: Hydration Drink water consistently throughout the day, aiming for at least 8 glasses or about 2 liters. Not only does proper hydration aid in digestion and keep skin glowing, but it also boosts energy, helps to reduce feelings of hunger, and aids brain function. Carrying a reusable…
Door 19
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 19 “The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” – Stephen Richards
Door 18
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 18 Elephants’ Emotional Depth: Did you know elephants have a deep emotional side? They can recognize themselves in mirrors (a sign of self-awareness), remember old friends and experiences for decades, and they even mourn their dead. If an elephant comes across the bones of another elephant, it will often touch…
Door 17
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 17 “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene
Door 16
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 16 The Immortal Jellyfish: Meet the “Benjamin Button” of the sea: the Turritopsis dohrnii, commonly known as the “immortal jellyfish.” Why the fancy name? When this jellyfish faces danger or gets old, it can revert to its earlier stage as a baby jelly (a polyp) and start its life cycle…
Door 15
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 15 “It’s never about the size of the problem. It’s always about the size of you.” – Liz Murray
Door 14
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 14 “The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion; the tunnel is.” -Unknown
Door 13
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 13 The Inspiring Odyssey of the Arctic Tern: The Arctic Tern is not just any bird; it’s a symbol of relentless determination and boundless horizons. Every year, this majestic seabird embarks on an awe-inspiring journey, traveling an astonishing 25,000 miles from the icy landscapes of the Arctic to the sun-kissed…
Door 12
Save/Share / NFT Collectible: Door 12 “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill