Order Print / Save / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,013 You are a masterpiece—believe it, own it, and live it. – Paradise123
Category: love
Door 1,012
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,012 Almost. Almost is a profound word. Whatever the goal or ambition -whisper that word and it will help you keep moving-Almost. – Paradise123
Door 1,011
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,011 The entire world can go dark and turn to complete shit, and yet you can still smile and be kind. Oh, hell yes—that is magic, and it’s beautiful. – Paradise123
Door 1,009
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,009 You can’t just float around here—hopes and dreams, in all seasons of life, are 100% required. They will inspire you and those around you to stay positive and keep moving forward. Find them and focus on them often—very often. – Paradise123
Door 1,006
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,006 You are exceedingly powerful—there are over 100 trillion synapses in your brain capable of forming complex thoughts. You sit at the controls of a massively strong and positive mindset built for greatness. – Paradise123
Door 1,003
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,003 Default to kindness, and watch your peace flourish. – Paradise123
Door 1,002
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,002 Don’t leave – has the music stopped? Hell no it hasn’t. You’re not down, you’re dancing, so stay on the floor. The next song may be yours, and it’s a moment you cannot miss. – Paradise123
Door 1,001
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 1,001 Spread the love. There’s plenty of this hate shit. – Paradise123
Door 999
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 999 The unseen, unrecognized victory – its complexities and challenges only understood by you. You won and your victory is powerful and beautiful. It will cause one massive, positive ripple effect throughout your life and the lives of others. – Paradise123
Door 998
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 998 Car problems, him problems, her problems, health problems, more and more money problems – and you still keep smiling. That’s right. They will never take you down – NEVER. – Paradise123
Door 997
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 997 They expect you to return the hate, but instead, you respond with kindness and move on. Make no mistake—you rocked their world. – Paradise123
Door 994
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 994 The people who have your back no matter what—the ones who truly want the best for you—when you fall, they don’t talk shit about you. They reach out a hand to help you up and say, ‘You’ve got this.’ They are the diamonds in your life. Remember to…
Door 993
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 993 The wound stays – that’s reality – but it’s only a scar now. You did not raise a white flag and let it all end. You stood in defiance. In an act of raw resilience and resistance, you let it be known that this is no sob story….
Door 992
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 992 So many of us feel alone and invisible – forgotten. But when you remember them throughout your day with eye contact, a smile, a kind word, they are no longer the forgotten ones. That’s where it’s hidden. Something so immensely powerful and beautiful that we cannot measure or…
Door 990
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 990 Life can be unapologetically brutal, and yet, unexpected kindness has the power to save a life. – Paradise123
Door 987
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 987 It’s your mind. Hope > Destroy > Fear. – Paradise123
Door 985
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 985 This is hard and unfair. But if you can find the strength to be kind in the middle of all this bullshit, then that guarantees some good will come out of it. – Paradise123
Door 977
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 977 Kindness is winning, kindness is an ‘F-U’ to all of your problems. Instead of getting bitter and taking it out on others, you are choosing to be kind. That is strong, inspiring, and spreads like a wildfire. – Paradise123
Door 972
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 972 Remember, in this life, you will not meet a single person that hasn’t experienced heartache and pain. You can’t fix their pain, but you will ease it with your kindness. – Paradise123
Door 966
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 967 Falling on hard times doesn’t always mean you made bad decisions. It can mean you made the hard decisions, the gut decisions, the right decisions. Stay focused; the results will come. – Paradise123
Door 965
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 965 Sometimes the angel doesn’t show up because the angel is you. – Paradise123