Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 998 Car problems, him problems, her problems, health problems, more and more money problems – and you still keep smiling. That’s right. They will never take you down – NEVER. – Paradise123
Door 997
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 997 They expect you to return the hate, but instead, you respond with kindness and move on. Make no mistake—you rocked their world. – Paradise123
Door 996
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 996 Don’t let fear place a single vote in your choices—you are lionhearted. Close your eyes and trust your instincts. – Paradise123
Door 995
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 995 You don’t have what it takes. Lie. You won’t make it out of this. Lie. No one likes you, you’re nothing, nobody—bullshit. The truth: champion. You have made it through hell, and you are rising to your feet every morning and facing every day. Remember to identify the…
Door 994
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 994 The people who have your back no matter what—the ones who truly want the best for you—when you fall, they don’t talk shit about you. They reach out a hand to help you up and say, ‘You’ve got this.’ They are the diamonds in your life. Remember to…
Door 993
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 993 The wound stays – that’s reality – but it’s only a scar now. You did not raise a white flag and let it all end. You stood in defiance. In an act of raw resilience and resistance, you let it be known that this is no sob story….
Door 992
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 992 So many of us feel alone and invisible – forgotten. But when you remember them throughout your day with eye contact, a smile, a kind word, they are no longer the forgotten ones. That’s where it’s hidden. Something so immensely powerful and beautiful that we cannot measure or…
Door 991
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 991 Yeah, you’re crazy. CRAZY. Isn’t that beautiful, though? Don’t we have enough of the same old, same old shit around here.- Paradise123
Door 990
Save/Share / Reddit / Collectible: Door 990 Life can be unapologetically brutal, and yet, unexpected kindness has the power to save a life. – Paradise123
Door 989
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 989 Problems will always be around. Always. Put them out of your mind and solve them one by one at your own pace. The rest of the time is your life – yours – and your life is a gift and a grand experience. – Paradise123
Door 988
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 988 It’s a lot, and you’re doing great. Remember, it’s okay to feel discouraged, but never underestimate the power inside of you. You can use that power to form a smile on your face and think a thought—any thought—that is hopeful and happy. Do this, and you will feel your spirit…
Door 987
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 987 It’s your mind. Hope > Destroy > Fear. – Paradise123
Door 986
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 986 Struggle. Struggle. Struggle. What else is new? You’ve fought it all your life, and you will keep fighting, because you are pure tiger. – Paradise123
Door 985
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 985 This is hard and unfair. But if you can find the strength to be kind in the middle of all this bullshit, then that guarantees some good will come out of it. – Paradise123
Door 984
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 984 No, everything is not falling apart—because you aren’t. You are still here, breathing, hustling, and maintaining a positive attitude. You know what that is? Awesome. – Paradise123
Door 983
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 983 Come on, it’s not for you. Just move on and stay focused. – Paradise123
Door 982
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 982 Fear is a nasty, little, pimple-faced punk that will try to cripple and control you. You know what to do—laugh at it. Because you are battle-worn. You are a joy-filled, seasoned warrior who doesn’t have time for that shit. – Paradise123
Door 981
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 981 Don’t be afraid to dream. Ask yourself this: is it possible? Nothing else, just, is it possible? Good, then go for it. We need dreamers who have the courage to dream, and that is you. – Paradise123
Door 980
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 980 Mountain, wall, tower, cliff, who gives a shit? You’re climbing that bastard because you are unstoppable and on a mission. – Paradise123
Door 979
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 979 Their chaos is theirs. Your calm is yours. – Paradise123
Door 978
Save/Share / Collectible: Door 978 The only thing they did was give you a few more scars. Those scars can make people weak, but not you. They only made you stronger. Today, the sun is shining, your head is high, and you are walking forward with passion and a beautiful smile on your face. Hell…